We created Options for Affordable Housing as a new service area in order to address the community’s need for affordable and suitable housing for families. We believe that an individual’s living environment plays an active role in their overall mental, physical and spiritual health and we are excited to provide individuals and families with beautiful homes in which they can safely reside and improve their overall quality of life.
We have already constructed and/or rehabilitated 14 homes for families. These homes are all 2& 3 bedroom-2 bath models to provide long term supported rentals for families seeking to provide a quality home for their family at a price based on their income. We are excited to announce that we are starting construction on 12 new homes for families with funding provided by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas and Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government.
If you are interested in receiving more information about the Options for Affordable Housing program, please contact Roosevelt Thomas at rthomas@op4in.com or Barry Chauvin at bchauvin@op4in.com or call (985) 868-2620.